Monday, January 26, 2009

Let the Adventure Begin

So, after the encouragement of a few friends, I've decided to set up my first saltwater aquarium. I have had several freshwater tanks in the past, and thought that this was a great opportunity to try something more challenging and similarly more rewarding. I am not much of a blogger (most of my friends can tell you that I am just not that into it), however this seems like the best platform to chronicle my attempt at getting this tank going, as well as share in the trials and tribulations of the adventure. I hope to regularly post photos of my progress, and continue to write about the things going on with the tank - both good and bad.

To start, I have done a LOT of research on the topics of reef vs. fish only, setting up a system, water chemistry, tank size, etc. I highly recommend these books if you are interested in learning more:

The New Marine Aquarium: Step-by-Step Setup & Stocking Guide by Michael S. Paletta
The Simple Guide to Marine Aquariums by Jeffrey Kurtz
The Marine Reef Aquarium by Philip Hunt
and especially:
Marine Fishes by Scott W. Michael

Some very informational websites that I've encountered in my web searching are:
Reef Central
Melev's Reef
Fish Lore

I highly recommend that if you are interested in getting started in the marine aquarium hobby, take things slowly. Read as much as you can before you make your decisions and start buying equipment. From everything that I can tell so far (and I'm still only a few weeks into this adventure), this hobby is a slow one, that will last a lifetime. Haste makes waste - and I mean wasting all your money when you realized that you did everything wrong, and killed your fish.

Well, thanks for checking out my new blog, and let the adventure begin!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Matt Blogger -

    I wanted to be an early responder to your new blog. Congratulations and I'll look forward to reading your updates.
    So when do you think you'll be ready to move all your fish contraptions up from the basement? The targeted wall does look a little empty right now although it currently makes your Dad's electrical handywork the center of attention - maybe you should put a sign on it that identifies the responsible craftsman?

    So what kind of fish do you anticipate acquiring? Perhaps you can also post pictures and descriptions in advance so we can learn from your adventure.

    Uncle Jack
