There will be several updates in the coming hours... first of all, I thought you'd enjoy some photos:

This is one of my new corals: a green star polyp.

An updated shot of Arnold. Just liked the photo, so I posted it. :)

Elizabeth II, also now being referred to as "RG". This could be my first clear shot of RG.

One of my new corals, a mushroom coral.

Another new coral - a zoanthid sp. - I think it's called Tubbs Blue Zoa.

A new frogspawn coral. This one is more green, and less brown than the other one. I think eventually, I will only keep one of the two. Not entirely sure, yet.

These are ricordia corals. They are a mushroom variant. I have several different colors that I put together. Hopefully, they will grow into each other, and create quite the colorful patch.

When I got some rocks for my new sump, this conch shell game with the rock. I thought it looked awesome, so I decided to put it in the display tank. From a close inspection of this photograph, I believe there are tiny barnacles growing on the shell. It must have been in the ocean for quite some time. :)

Another new addition: A Lubbock's Wrasse. I have decided to name it Dotty, after the dots on its sides. This photo is a little misleading. It is mostly purple, with orange-ish, pink-ish dots on the side. It's head is more of a red than this photo shows, and the dorsal fin is a pretty bright yellow, with the ever so slightest blue line right at the edge of the fin. Great looking fish, and my first wrasse adventure. Let's hope Dotty doesn't like to carpet surf (jump out of the tank, and onto the carpet).

Another new addition - a Skunk Cleaner Shrimp. There are actually two of these and one Peppermint Shrimp. The two cleaners are aptly named Pepe and LePew. The peppermint doesn't have a name yet.

Another shot of Pepe (or is it LePew?)
That's it for now... there will be more posting in the coming hours... stay tuned!
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