The display tank now has three new inhabitants - the ocellaris clownfish pair, and the yellow watchman goby (recently named "Bubba"). Unfortunately, Bubba went into hiding before I could get a snap shot of him in his new home. My young little cousin asked me to name one of the clowns Nemo. So I have decided to be a little corny, and go with the Finding Nemo theme and name them Nemo and Marlin (that's Nemo's dad in the movie). The way the two clowns are distinguished is that Nemo has a black line on the top of his dorsal fin, whereas Marlin's dorsal fin does not. So, for now, we've got Bubba, Nemo, and Marlin.
Hotel de Scheiner Basement has two new inhabitants, as well. I was having a little bit of an algae problem, and when I went to the LFS, my LFS guy told me to get some fish that are natural vegetation/algae eaters. I picked up two little babies - a Blue Hippo Tang and an Auriga Butterflyfish. They will be staying downstairs for two weeks, at which time they will join Nemo, Marlin, and Bubba in the display tank upstairs. Start thinking of fish names for these two (I'm already thinking Dory for the Hippo, for obvious reasons), and post your suggestions in the comments here or write on my wall on Facebook. Pictures are below:

Nemo and Marlin in their new home. Unfortunately, Bubba went into hiding before I could snap a shot of him.

My new Auriga Butterflyfish (with the Blue Hippo Tang in the background).

My new Blue Hippo Tang. In the Finding Nemo theme, I'm thinking maybe "Dory" as a name.
The two new inhabitants of the quarantine tank are enjoying their new home, swimming around and exploring.
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