Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New Guests at Casa DeMatt

As you know, Pinnochio and Arnold made their way upstairs last week. So, over the weekend, I went and picked up two new guests for the quarantine hotel. After much debate, some dead specimens under warranty, and several trips back and forth to the LFS, I finally got a flame angelfish and a royal gramma. I've already settled on names - the flame angel is going to be Tony. When you look at the new photos down below, you will see that it has stripes like a tiger. The Royal Gramma is going to be Elizabeth (get it? Royal Gramma? Royal Grandma? Queen Mother? Elizabeth? Come on! It's creative!).

OK, fine... enough with the corny jokes... onto the pictures:

The Condylactic Anemone has moved up from the back of the tank. I like to think it's because it stopped being shy, but in reality it's probably because it's easier to find food up there.

Pinnochio seems to find the weirdest spots to perch. He's in a small grass thing that's about half his size. I don't know how it stays balanced, because it has no roots or anything.

Arnold is chillin'. He typically takes refuge on the right side, back corner of the tank, but today he was swimming around with the others.

A full tank shot just for good measure. And now, onto the new guys:

Elizabeth, the Queen Mother (aka Royal Gramma)

Tony. Just think They're GR-R-R-R-EAT!

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